I'm venting because the other drivers get to me. Also, I am being comical. I'm also just perplexed at why people use cars as weapons or ways of bullying. Cars are machines that weigh several tons. If someone cuts me off on the right when the lane is merging, does it ever occur to them that one of us or both of us could be killed? The amount of time they save is less time then a person going to the bathroom. The alerts on the signs should say, "watch out for the other drivers." This includes me sometimes. I don't claim to be a gift to driving. I just want people to be safe. Other drivers had the patience of rapid animals sometimes. I hear enough fucking honking outside of my building for a composer to write a new symphony. Some would jump at that idea in half a minute, so maybe I shouldn't publish this posting.
Last but not least there are the trucks. I'm surprised I'm not still driving behind one since they go from 0-60 in 50 years. They slow traffic down all the time, and some of them drive like maniacs. This ain't fucking NASCAR, okay? Last thing I need is some truck tailing my ass. This is humor, I am not trying to offend truck drivers. Most truck drivers are doing their jobs very responsibly I'm sure. However, some do drive like maniacs and think they are racing a car.
In writing something like this my intention is to get a point across, and do it with humor. This is comedy, and there are elements of truth in it. Although, I won't lie to you, some drivers piss me off! For example if its a 50 zone, why go 35?? Drives me crazy. Excuse the pun, couldn't help it. Reverse tickets should be part of the deal. If a driver is driving at a speed a person can bike at, it defeats the purpose of a car. Pull their asses over and tell them to ride their bikes or hit some sort of pedal. This blog post is finished. I'm outta here.